#MMTLP Stock Controversy Unfolds in Eight Episodes of ‘What’s Bugging Me’ Podcast
#MMTLP Stock Controversy Unfolds in Eight Episodes of ‘What’s Bugging Me’ Podcast

What’s Bugging Me on the Ricochet Network, new episode up every Thursday.

Latest Episode #67 interviews congressional advocate Anna Massey of MMTLP Army

South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman came on ‘What’s Bugging Me’ and called for congressional subpoenas. Where are they?”

— Dennis Kneale

NEW YORK, NY, USA, February 29, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — On the new episode of “What’s Bugging Me” on the Ricochet network and other major platforms, host Dennis Kneale takes a deeper dive into the controversy involving 65,000 investors who lost everything in MMTLP stock because of regulators’ actions.

Kneale interviews a leading member of the #MMTLPARMY, Anna Massey of Savannah, Ga., who has made four trips to Washington to educate congressmen and their staff in the issues and anomalies of this stock controversy.

MMTLP stands for Meta Materials Torch Light Preferred. It was a preferred stock that never was intended to trade on the stock market, but, mysteriously, it did start trading in 2021. The stock became a target for short sellers, who may have sold short millions of counterfeit shares that didn’t actually exist.

FINRA ended up issuing a rare, surprise emergency halt of all trading in MMTLP in December 2022, before all trades could be completed. This effectively wiped out hundreds of millions of dollars in the stock owned by 65,000 investors, while possibly shielding hedge funds and short sellers from huge losses.

The investors have been demanding answers—and getting little cooperation from regulators—for more than 444 days now. “South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman came on ‘What’s Bugging Me’ on February 2nd and called for congressional subpoenas,” Kneale says. “Where are they?”

Massey and other investors are pushing for congressional subpoenas of the trading records and other details at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and 105 broker-dealers such as Fidelity and Vanguard.

She gives an update of her latest trip and discusses how to press Congress for subpoenas, without offending the members in the process. It may be time to turn up the pressure, host Kneale points out.

The new edition of “What’s Bugging Me,” episode #67, can be found on the Ricochet network here: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/capitol-dealings/

And at Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/capitol-dealings/id1657007934?i=1000647587962

Here is a full listing of each and every episode to focus on this story thus far:

PART ONE: “A Regulatory Flup Up and the People Fighting Back.” January 11, 2024.

Special Guest: John Tabacco, Wall Street pro and host of “Wise Guys” on Newsmax.

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/a-regulatory-flup-up-and-the-people-fighting-back/
@ApplePodcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-bugging-me/id1657007934?i=1000641336093

PART TWO: “Naked Shorts and Other Suspicious Things.” January 18, 2024.

Special Guest: John Brda, former CEO of Torchlight, the energy company where the entire #MMTLP saga began.
Plus: “Junk Savvy,” as she is known on X; and Cynthia West, aka @Cyntax Queen of the Universe.

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/naked-shorts-and-other-suspicious-things/
@ApplePodcast link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-bugging-me/id1657007934?i=1000642148971

PART THREE: “Your American Dream.” January 25, 2024.

Special Guest: Dani Pascarella, One Eleven Financial. Is the American Dream out of reach?
Plus: #MMTLPARMY Wall Street lawyer Mark Basile. Ed Butowsky, Chapwood Investments.

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/your-american-dream/
@ApplePodcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-bugging-me/id1657007934?i=1000642940676

PART FOUR: “Non-Answers and Evasions Won’t Do.” February 2, 2024.

Special Guest: Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S. He calls for congressional subpoenas.
Plus: #MMTLPARMY members John Taylor (@johntaylor30), South Carolina investor; and investor “Drew Diligence” (@KarmaCollects).

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/non-answers-and-evasions-wont-do/
@ApplePodcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-bugging-me/id1657007934?i=1000643979541

PART FIVE: “Another Set of Eyes on the Problem.” February 8, 2024.

Special Guest: Kristen Shaughnessy, former anchor, NY1 news channel, on the #MMTLP story.

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/another-set-of-eyes-on-the-problem/
@ApplePodcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-bugging-me/id1657007934?i=1000644690093

PART SIX: “Breaking Through the Sounds of Silence.” February 15, 2024.

Special Guest: Tunku Varadarajan, Wall Street Journal op ed contributor, on Israel vs. Hamas.
Plus: #MMTLPARMY investor “Kurtis,” @bleedblue18 on the X platform. Richard Fizzuoglio, “Don Fizz” on X (@rich70891915), on his efforts to lobbying in Washington.

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/breaking-through-the-sounds-of-silence/
@ApplePodcasts link:

PART SEVEN: “Foxes in the Henhouse.” February 22, 2024.

Special Guests: #MMTLPARMY activists @HAMShortk*ller and William P. Farrand (@WilliamPFarran1).

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/foxes-in-the-henhouse/
@ApplePodcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-bugging-me/id1657007934?i=1000646438879

PART EIGHT: “Capitol Dealings.” February 29, 2024.

Special Guest: Anna Massey, #MMTLPARMY advocate pushing in Washington for congressional subpoenas.

@Ricochet link: https://ricochet.com/podcast/whats-bugging-me/capitol-dealings/
And @ApplePodcasts link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/capitol-dealings/id1657007934?i=1000647587962

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S. Ladouceur
Dennis Kneale Media
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/692375667/mmtlp-stock-controversy-unfolds-in-eight-episodes-of-what-s-bugging-me-podcast